Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Extra Credit

Listed in numerical order are the extra credit assignments I engaged in.

#2) I located a memoir from a police officer that was trapped in superdome away from his family. I choose his story because I was looking for some inspirations which I greatly was, his story showed me how by holding onto hope people can survive even the harshest conditions. This story inspired me to have a positive view on life even when it is hard there is worse conditions out their and no matter what happens we are lucky to be alive.

#3) I choose to do a symbolic reading of some ludicrous lyrics because the in class symbolic reading of Johnny Cash gave me a different perspective on what things actually mean and how we can interpret things in many ways. I learned that even when I might think I know the meaning of a song or piece of literature I might not know the true underlying meaning on what the author wanted his message to be.

#6) I choose to examine to separate texts that were for and against global warming. I did this because with all my research that states global warming exists I wanted to get an opposite point of view so I could make my own beliefs and not just follow what I was told. This exercise made me aware of how information can drastically be spun any way the messenger wants someone to perceive it. When I watch CNN or FOX about the same story I know I must be aware that they both have skewed views in how they present the same story.

#10) for using recycled paper you said that submitting an assignment online would count as this and throughout the semester I submitted numerous ones via email. This was inspirational to me by showing me life doesn’t always have to follow traditional ways of doing things. The professor decided that papers did not have to be in physical form and I can only imagine how much paper and ink will be saved because of this decision. I hope this catches on to more teachers and classes, this could make a big difference.

#11) I sent my blog address to some family and friends. I did this to help raise awareness of the people around me so in turn they can do the same. I was shocked to have my mom tell me she doesn’t believe in global warming. After reading my paper she is reconsidering her point of view but this has taught me how many people have not been properly educated about our environment and the condition that it is in.

#12) For committing a random act of kindness I thought about on thanksgiving when my friends and I decided to give a security guard a plate of food. The security guard was so delighted it placed a smile on my face. I believe in random acts of kindness because those are the ones that can make any one have a good day and once something good happens to someone then that person is more likely to help out others. Seeing the security guard happy reinforced my beliefs.

#14) For being one of the dedicated students who did not skip class I was awarded extra credit. I skipped my fair share of class when I was a freshman but know being a senior I decided it’s a waste not spending time in class. Even if I was not prepared for class it is important to be their and stay current and learn the important information the teacher has to offer since that is the reason I signed up for that class.

Glaciers and Floods

Glaciers and Floods

The purpose of this board game is to educate fifth graders about global warming. On the board various pictures represent good and bad things. For example if you use a paper bag you can ride a glacier to the top and if you ride your bicycle you can go halfway across the board. An example of bad things is using plastic cup causes floods and smoke stacks also cause floods. It is a simple game with basic colors and pictures but it effectively gets kids aware of how they can personally influence the environment.

Objective: reach the top square labeled 100 winner.

First, use a dice to decide who goes first. The highest number rolled gets to go first. You can use any small object to play with on the board.

Game Play:

1.After rolling the dice you will move your small object towards a higher number (Ex. If you are on the 1 square and roll a 5 you will move your small object on the number 6 gym. The amount shown on the dice.

2. two or more small objects can be on same square at any time.

3.Climbing up a Glacier or washed away by a flood.

Glaciers: Any time your small object ends on a picture square at the bottom of a ladder, your small object must climb up to the picture square at the top of the ladder. For example if your small object reaches picture square 28 it will climb to picture square 84.

You climb up when helping out the environment!


When your small object ends on a picture square that is the beginning of a flood, your small object must move down the flood to the picture square where it ends. For example if you land on square 49 your small object will be moved to square number 11.

You get washed away by floods when hurting the environment.

Winning the Game

The first player to reach the smiling world marked square 100 wins the game. You can get there two ways:


Land there by exact count. If your spin would move you past square #100, don't move. Try again on your next turn.

Climb there by ending your move on ladder square #80.

project 3

Alex Roche

For project three I confronted the topic global warming. I have a newly found passion for helping the environment and feel it is necessary that everyone in all societies across the world receive education about the horrid truths, that are affecting our entire planet. Through project three, I will help fifth graders grasp a small understanding of what things they can personally do to help save the environment. I have a firm belief that it only takes one person to make a giant difference in the world.
In projects one and two I would have to print many pieces of paper and it felt like I was literally chopping down a tree which was the inspiration for project three to be completely different then the previous assignments. Project three was no longer wasting paper because the entire project is paperless through the establishment of a blog. I used my blog website to post my research paper, from project two. This research paper is well thought-out and targeted towards people in academia. Along with the paper, I attached three letters that address various issues in global warming and asks the respective organization, what I can personally do to make a difference. I feel it is very important for the public to read the letters so the public can see that people like me are trying to raise awareness and make changes. While constructing project three, I decided to construct a board game instead of a fable. I felt kids would be more encouraged to play a board game then read a book. Also, if children enjoy the game, then they will get constant exposure to global warming everytime they play the game.
My goal of project three was to establish ways of affectively getting information to adults and children. Adults can view my blog and acquire useful information on the environment. Hopefully, my paper can help persuade the reader into believing that global warming does exist. When attempting to address fifth graders I decided a boring academic paper would be wasteful and not inspire children to make changes. With the board game I accomplished my goal of getting important information about global warming to fifth graders in a fun manor. With adults and children now becoming aware of global warming it is only a matter of time before people start demanding changes to better their environment.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


To whom it may concern:

I am a twenty-one year old male student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. I have been doing some research on Global Warming, when I came across your website, which I find useful and informative. I am writing to your organization concerning the movement your organization is starting regarding global warming.
As of now, global warming is a major concern around the world and especially in America with the up and coming presidential election. It is nice to be able to have an organization such as yours give unbiased information that is presented openly. Being from America it is at times hard to have a global perspective on other countries beliefs and viewpoints concerning topics like global warming.
With the assistance of your website, I have been able to develop a broad understanding on how the world is dealing with the climate changing issues at hand. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my battle against global warming.
I am happy to see that one the United Nations top priorities are to combat global warming, with worldly order in the newly semi-established regulations. Thank you for helping inform the public about the truth and our environment.
On a personal note, I am wondering if there is anything, you could recommend me to do to help educate fellow citizens. I am a firm believer that it only takes one person to make a difference and with the help of your organization, I feel I can.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

To whom it may concern:

I am a twenty-one year old male student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. I have been doing some research on Global Warming, when I came across your website, which I find useful and informative. I am writing to your organization concerning the movement your organization is starting regarding global warming.
Recently, I wrote a report in my writing class and choose the topic global warming. Before engaging in this assignment, I was ignorant to the major changes that are taking place in our fragile world. Thankfully, I found your website and was able to quickly educate myself and open my mind to all that is happening. With the assistance of your website, I have been able to develop a broad understanding on how the world is dealing with the climate changing issues at hand. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my battle against global warming.
I am truly inspired to see fellow college students taking global warming as seriously as I now do. Seeing the pictures and reading the posted stories has inspired me to change various aspects in my life and help me analyze what courses of action I want to do to help stop global warming. I am happy to see many people across the world have the same beliefs as I do.
When I was browsing your webpage, I noticed a college directory and could not find my school. This was upsetting to me. I am wondering if there is a way I can have my school registered and have my school join the movement. I truly think that with your assistance we will be able to help people become aware of global warming.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


To whom it may concern:

I am a twenty-one year old male student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. I have been doing some research on Global Warming, when I came across your website, which I find useful and informative. I am writing to your organization concerning the movement your organization is starting regarding global warming.
I recently wrote a report on global warming as a requirement in my writing class. Before engaging in this assignment, I was ignorant to the major changes that are taking place in our fragile world. Thankfully, I found your website and was able to quickly educate myself and open my mind to all that is happening. With the assistance of your website, I have been able to develop a broad understanding on how the world is dealing with the climate changing issues at hand. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my battle against global warming.
I have joined your movement by registering myself as a user. I hope that I can help inspire others to follow your guidelines and become environmentally savvy. There are many informative facts on your webpage that can help people live more environmentally friendly lives.
One question I do have for you is on your webpage it is stated that with climate change new health risks will increase in America, malaria and dengue fever are mentioned. I am wondering if you could tell me where you got this information. I do believe in what your organization is saying but I need stronger proof so I can help convince people to have the same beliefs as we do. If there is any useful insight that could be brought to my attention, I would greatly appreciate receiving it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Negative effects of Global Warming

Global Warming Exists
“Scientists said they were becoming convinced that the [eco]system is heading toward a new, more water state, and that human-caused global warming is playing a significant role” (New York Times). Through empirical scientific data and ethical discussions, American citizens are realizing the environment is exhaustible. As the American culture continues to increase carbon emissions into the environment, the earth continues to be destroyed. Subsequently, generations X and Y are faced with ethical decisions that will forever affect the world’s ecosystems. These effects are prevalent through the melting polar ice caps, which will raise sea levels and this is all a direct result of climate change. If current generations continue to misuse the environment, then future generations will be faced with raising sea levels, climate change, distorted agricultural growth patterns and the extinction of ecosystems.
Presently, many countries worldwide rely heavily on oil and coal as their main means of energy.
The U.S. Department of energy calls coal the ‘workhorse’ of the nation’s power plants. It’s cheap. It provides more then half of the energy we use. One-quarter of the world’s coal reserves are in the United States, making it an attractive alternative to foreign oil. It’s filthy, laden with sulfur, nitrogen, mercury and, of course, carbon (Martin 10).
Current coal burning facilities are being made to allow future technologies that will capture carbon emissions, though this technology does not currently exist. A major question now is when the carbon is captured and liquefied where should the liquid carbon be stored? Currently “carbon is stored on a large-scale in just three locations in the world, one in Canada, another in Algeria and a third beneath the North Sea. Each sight stores 1-million tons per year” (Martin 10). What happens when this carbon leaks into the environment? New coal burning facilities would produce four times the above stated amount per year and with no long term solution to storing the liquefied carbon it seems pointless to keep expanding coal burning facilities weather or not they are labeled ‘clean coal’. As countries throughout the world continue to rely on toxic energy sources the world will continue to be ruined from abundant release of carbon emissions.
Tampa electric plans to build a facility that will reduce emissions that cause acid ran and smog, but the plant is estimated to emit more then 4.1 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. That is comparable to the dirtiest coal burning facility in the nation. New policies have been implemented in the Tampa Bay area to reduce carbon emissions from coal burning faculties. Plans of building two new coal burning facilities have been stopped with the increasing awareness of greenhouse gas emissions (Martin 10). It is amazing how a company can spend 2 billion dollars to make new facilities that proclaim to be more environmentally friendly but in reality only on a minuscule amount. Tampa electric is promoting their new facilities as a green energy source. It is nice that acid rain and smog will be cut back, but it is ridicules that carbon emissions will be comparable to the dirtiest coal burning facility in America. Southern states that have abundant sunlight, should reallocate funds to build renewable energy sources instead of reinvesting in environmentally harmful facilities. Tampa electric, should use the 2 billion to start a solar panel farm that will not produce carbon emissions or acid rain. Though Tampa electric is attempting to be environmentally friendly, their attempts are not enough to preserve and protect the environment from harsh carbon emissions.
“The 22 warmest years in history have come since 1980. During this time the average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit” (Brown 61). The rise in temperature indicates that each decade the earth is becoming warmer then the previous decade. Temperature changes like this can lead to sever droughts, which are becoming more frequent and harsher then previous droughts. When the industrial revolution first started in America, the atmospheric CO2 level was around 270 ppm (Brown 62). In 2004, the level was higher then it has been over the past 740,000 years and is nearing a level the world has not seen since earth was a tropical planet; with no polar ice and a seal level 260 feet higher then it is today, this was around 55 million years ago (Brown 59). The immense heat that is from global warming is having a major toll on grain harvest world wide. India, Canada and America have lost over 90 million tons of grain which has dropped the world harvest 5 percent below the world’s consumption rate(Brown 600. The intense heat waves are not only killing millions of crops but killing individuals. Brown states “A 2003 heat wave in Europe claimed over 49,000 lives, Italy and France both lost over 14,000 citizens. 15 times more people died in this European heat wave then the terrorist attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon on September 11, 2001” (Brown 61). The environment is already changing in ways that is taking human life. With the earth becoming inversely warmer and sea levels rising, future generations will be faced with destroyed ecosystems.
The National Wildlife Federation reports that if temperatures continue to rise, by 2040 one out of five Pacific Northwest’s rivers will be too hot for salmon, steelhead and trout to survive (Brown 62). Ecosystems all over the world are being affected by increasing temperatures. Spring is arriving up to two weeks earlier in America then in previous years, tree swallows are nesting 9 days earlier then they did 40 years ago (Brown 63). Inuits, for the first time in history are seeing robins a species they have never seen before. In fact the word robin does not exist in the Inuit language(Brown 63). Ecosystems across the world are being tainted from the rise of earth’s average temperature. Major food supplies are dwindling from the increase in droughts along with a constant increase in human death from the extreme heat waves society is plagued with. With changing eco-systems, future generations will be faced with unprecedented famine from draughts, that will cost many humans to loose their lives.
The short-term benefits of manipulating nature are not worth the negative long-term affects and costs of lost wilderness. “The greenhouse effect-to take just one danger to our environment – threatens to bring a rise in sea level that will inundate low-lying coastal areal”(Singer 268). Global warming has reciprocal affects on the environment. The increasing temperature will melt the polar ice caps that can cause massive flooding. Areas like the Nile delta in Egypt and the Bangladesh delta have over 46 million citizens at risk of losing their life or homes to rise in sea level (Singer 268). Certain islands such as the Maldives could be completely wiped out by a rise in sea level. With countries like America misusing resources coastal lying third world countries will face harshest changes in environment. Only current societies can prevent places like Bangladesh from facing massive flooding.
Nature is filled with beauty that cannot be replicated by man. Humans can easily tell if something is contrived or natural.
A virgin forest is the product of a million years that have passed since the beginning of our planet…Once the forest is cut or drowned, however, the link with the past has gone forever. That will be borne by every generation that succeeds us on this planet. It is for that reason that environmentalists are right to speak of wilderness as a ‘word heritage’ It is something that we have inherited from our ancestors, and that we must preserve for our descendants, if they are to have it at all (Singer 269).
Is stopping global warming worth the effort? Are we certain that future societies will value wilderness? With the rapid development of technology how can we assume that future generations will prefer nature of their air conditioned environments playing digital games? This could easily happen.
“But there are several reasons why we should not give this [scenario] too much weight. First, the trend has been in the opposite direction : the appreciation of wilderness has never been higher then it is today, especially among those nations that have overcome the problems of poverty and hunger and have relatively little wilderness left. Wilderness is valued as something of immense beauty, as a reservoir of scientific knowledge still to be gained, for the recreational opportunities that it provides, and because many people just like to know that something natural is still there, relatively untouched by modern civilization. If, as we all hope, future generations are able to provide for the basic needs of most people, we can expect that for centuries to come, they, too, will value wilderness for the same reasons that we value it” (Singer 271).
Untapped natural areas are vital to humans overall well being. Knowing places still exist that are unaffected by humans gives many a sense of serenity. It is the responsibility of current and future generations to preserve wilderness. Having wilderness can also help reverse the effects of global warming by giving the environment clean zones that are pollution free.

If societies as a whole choose to preserve intact the amount of wilderness that currently exists, then future generations will at lest have the choice of leaving their air conditioned, digitally modified realities and going outside to see a world that is not contrived. If current society ruins nature, this choice is forever lost. Currently the world heritage organization spends large amounts of money to preserve temples, castles and cities like Venice, even though future societies could easily not care about the above listed human treasures but we preserve them anyways as we should preserve nature. “Thus we will not wrong future generations, as past generations thoughtless actions have deprived us of the possibility of seeing the dodo. Steller’s sea cow or the thylacine, the Tasmanian marsupial ‘tiger’. We must take care no to inflict equally irreparable losses o n the generations that follow us” (Singer 273). Preserving the wilderness is not only vital for humans but also for the earth and its ecosystems. By maintain nature animals and various organisms will forever have a home. Providing the earth with more wilderness will help the earth negate some of the adverse effects of global warming.
During the past summer of 2007 reports show record breaking loss of Arctic sea ice. Some experts feel this is caused by numerous things ranging from winds to ocean currents but believe the major component is from greenhouse gasses. The majority of older sea ice (10 years or older) has been washed to sea leaving behind young ice that can be easily melted in mild heat. September 16th is when the sea ice reaches its minimum this past year there was 1 million less square miles (6 California’s) of ice then the previous year. Scientists said “they were becoming convinced that the system is heading toward a new, more water state, and that human-caused global warming is playing a significant role” (The New York Times). Officials from Alaska and Russia can not find records indicating actions such as these at any recent time periods. Which leave some to believe that humans have tipped the balance with nature and are causing un-reversible damages. John Michael Wallace a scientist at the university of Washington states
we used to argue that a lot of variability up to the late 1990’s was induce by changes in the winds, natural changes not obviously related to global warming but changes in the last few years make you have to question that. I’m much more open to the idea that we might have passed a pint where it’s becoming essentially irreversible (The New York Times).
Some experts believe next years ice will be even less then last years since the winters freeze season is starting from such a giant ice deficit. Wieslaw Maslowski of Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey California believes that “the Arctic oceans will be blue by 2013” (The New York Times).
With the arctic ice melting, polar bears are extremely vulnerable to this rapid changing. They are loosing their environment and food sources. Scientist Steven C. Amstrup said “two-thirds of the 22,000 bears will disappear by midcentury. Which lead experts wanting to place the polar bear on the endangered species list. Ice melting is a vicious cycle that once in can not be stopped. Ignatius G. Rigor and ice expert at the university of Washington stated “the percentage of ice 10 years or older dropped to 2 percent of the overall ice coverage this year which was previously over 80 percent in 1987” (The New York Times). With the thick ice disappearing, the sunlight that would have otherwise been reflected is absorbed by the earth that causes warming. Polar bears are an example of one ecosystem that could be annihilated if current society does not take actions to save their habitat.
There is no data that clearly indicates humans are causing the earths temperature to rise. Humans have only been able to accurately record weather temperatures for over the past couple hundred years. Many debates currently exist over thermometer locations and how that affects the average temperature. Organizations have showed flaws in various locations that have been located next to tarmac which is consistently above average temperatures. Though scientist have done carbon dating on ice sheets a lot of error exists in how the scientist observe their data, only the average of the observed data can be used. This leaves a lot of room for debate on weather global warming is human caused or a natural earth event. Some scientists have scenarios that indicate the real world temperature had not increased as fast as this model calculation, the climate model was faulty and there was no basis for concern about climate change, specifically concluding that the Kyoto Protocol was "a useless appendage to an irrelevant treaty"(Brown 196). With America’s economy growing faster then their carbon emission rates global warming is not an immediate threat to the citizens of the globe. As countries become further industrialized they will be able to switch to eco-friendly economies.
Coal is overly used by developed countries which is a leading contributor to carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Coal is a filthy outdated source for energy. Countries need to push eco-friendly energy sources like wind power as the only alternative to dirty fuels like coal. Scientist believe that the melting polar ice caps is the result of humans releasing carbon into the atmosphere. From the over abundant release of carbon emissions ecosystems around the globe are being distorted. The polar bear is in danger of loosing much of its current habitat from the melting polar ice sheets, which are at their lowest levels in recorded history. Though some scientists still argue that global warming is a hoax many agree that enough data exists to prove the existence of global warming. Current societies around the world are ethically and morally responsible for the maintenance of wilderness. If current societies do not start changing their resource and energy consumption then future generations could be faced with unconceivable events on the worlds ecosystems.